Dreams To Believe In

This month, we’re inviting you to invest in dreams.

In our new short film, you got to know some hopeful and determined kids who are bold enough to dream of a better future. More recently, we introduced you to Ismael and María, just two of the young people featured in the film.

Because they will grow up in 1MISSION houses, these kids will have opportunities their parents and grandparents may have never dreamed of — opportunities to grow, to learn, and to dream.

As these kids show us, dreams come in all shapes and sizes.

But none of us achieves our dream alone. It takes a loving family. It takes the support of teachers and neighbors and friends. It takes a community of people who care. Who believe.

As members of the 1MISSION family, you already are part of that community.

We know you care. We know you believe. You’ve demonstrated it time and again by building or riding, volunteering or advocating.

Now we’re inviting you to invest in dreams like Ismael’s and María’s. Your best gift between now and December 31 will help ensure more families like these get the opportunity to earn a safe, secure house.

As always, your gift will be tied to a specific family, and when their house is built, you’ll receive a proof report so you can celebrate with them!

Please give as generously as you can, whether it’s $10 or $10,000. Together, we’re building community — and investing in dreams — one house at a time.


You’re Funding “More Than a House”


María’s Dream