People Change Everything

For nearly 15 years, thanks to your faithful partnership, 1MISSION has been doing the long, slow, steady—and tremendously rewarding—work of building community, one house at a time.

And as we’re quick to point out, housing is just one part of that life-changing work. Community is really at the heart of everything we do. And community is made by people.

Unfortunately, people also have the power to un-make community. Broken relationships cause a lot of the pain we experience in our lives and in the world around us. And broken relationships explain a lot of the poverty we see in the communities we serve.

But there’s good news. As we have seen time after time, broken relationships can be restored. Families can be reunited. Neighbors can mend fences. Destructive patterns can give way to new ways of living.

In the coming weeks, we’ll introduce you to some friends of ours. These are people who have experienced the transformation of relationships—and who now seek to extend the love they have received to those around them.

We’d be honored to have you partner with us in this work. Will you give to help build community today?


Martina’s Story


Building Dreams