Give Opportunities to People Like Socorro

All this month, we’re inviting you to invest in community development.

That’s because community development is at the heart of our work. It’s what we mean when we say 1MISSION is about more than a house.

A few weeks ago, Nate described community development as a process that lifts families and entire neighborhoods out of poverty. And then Greg celebrated the families that choose to participate in 1MISSION’s local initiatives, even if they have no intention of earning a house.

Today, I want to introduce you to one of these local heroes here in Miguel Alemán, Mexico. Her name is Socorro Díaz Morrón and she has been involved in 1MISSION’s community development programs for the past two years.

Specifically, she has been involved in our bakery program here, making cakes, bread, and other pastries. Through her involvement, she has managed to supplement her household income, while developing a stronger sense of community with the other participants. Together they recently built an adobe oven using money they have pooled as a group.

“This program helps a lot because of what we can learn,” Socorro says, “and because it’s an income that is possible even while staying at home. It is a big help for us because almost everyone in the community can use some additional income. Thank God this has happened, because it’s a great blessing.”

During this final week of our month-long campaign, will you partner with us to give more hardworking people like Socorro the opportunity to build a better future? It’s not just for those who participate—it’s just as much for the entire community.

Your generosity will make a lasting difference. ¡Gracias!


Summer in Puerto Peñasco


House #1000!