House #1000!

Check out our new video from the house dedication for the Hernández Flores family in Puerto Peñasco, Mexico.

As house #1000 in 1MISSION’s history, this is an exciting milestone for our team and for each and every one of you who has supported this work over the past 14 years!

It’s an even bigger deal for the Hernández Flores family, who served hundreds of hours to earn their new house—and those smiles tell the story.

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: community development cannot be mass produced. It happens person by person, family by family, neighborhood by neighborhood. It’s not quick or easy. It’s hard and slow. But in moments like these, we’re reminded that it’s totally worth it.

So when we celebrate one thousand houses, we’re not just patting ourselves on the back for hitting a big round number. We’re celebrating ONE THOUSAND FAMILIES who have taken the initiative to change the trajectory of their own lives.

We partner with them. We learn from them and are inspired by them. And when they open the door of their new house, we celebrate with them.

Thank you for partnering with 1MISSION and the families we serve. This celebration is only possible thanks to your generous support!

P.S. All this month, we’re raising funds for the vital community development programs that enable families like this to earn a new house. Your one-time gift of $60, $125, or $300 today will help to change the trajectory of even more lives. Thanks!


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